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July 3rd, 8th, 15th, 26th

12:00-1:00 p.m EST

Are you tired of leaving your best shots on the range? Sick of crumbling under pressure or playing with fear and anxiety?

In the video below, I share with you how you get in your own way mentally on the golf course.

4 Ways You Self-Sabotage on the Golf Course

Click the video to play

Introducing Unleash Your Game - the revolutionary platform that transforms your mental golf skills and helps you play to your full capability.

I want to tell you about an exciting new way to master your mental golf skills so that you can play more to your potential.

It’s a platform called Unleash Your Golf.

If you want to stop leaving your best shots on the range, crumbling under pressure, or playing with fear or anxiety, this is for you.

Golf is undeniably a mental game.

In fact, Jack Nicklaus said...

"Don't ever tell me that golf is not

99% a mental game."

With that reasons that every golfer can

benefit from working on the mental part of the game.

Picture this: You've spent countless hours on the range. Your swing looks beautiful. Your TrackMan numbers are impressive. But when you step onto the first tee, it's like a different golfer shows up.

Sound familiar?

You're not alone. Many golfers find themselves:

  • Feeling anxious before and during rounds
  • Overthinking every shot, paralyzed by indecision
  • Battling frustration when your performance doesn't meet expectations
  • Fearing judgment from fellow club members and competitors
  • Unable to enjoy the game due to constant self-criticism
  • Feeling like a failure on the course, despite success in other areas of life
  • Embarrassed when your golf performance doesn't match your professional success
  • Experiencing strain on personal relationships due to post-round mood swings
  • Constantly disappointed for not living up to your potential

But this is the truth

You can take all the lessons you want. You can have the best equipment and hit pretty little shots. You can belong to the best golf courses. You can practice until your hands bleed.

If you can't manage your mind,

it is all a moot effort.

You simply cannot access your talent.

And that my golf friend, is SUPER frustrating and disappointing.

The struggle is that most of us know

where to go to fix our golf swing,

but we don't know where to go to fix our golf brain...

until now

Unleash Your Golf is

like a range for your brain

But let's talk about which golfers will really benefit from this program

First, if you are a golfer, any level or any age, and you have a brain, you can benefit from Unleash Your Golf. But more specifically this is for...

• Competitive golfers looking to gain a mental edge

• Serious amateurs who want to break through performance plateaus

• Club champions tired of "choking" in big moments

• High school and college players aiming for the next level

• Any golfer who knows they have more talent than their scores show

Or simply if golf is a big part of your life and you just hate the way it makes you feel...

If this sounds like you, keep reading, you're in the right place.

What is great about Unleash Your Golf

Imagine stepping onto the first tee with unshakeable confidence. Visualize yourself staying calm and focused, even after a triple bogey. Picture yourself thinking clearly and swinging freely under intense pressure.

That's the power of Unleash Your Golf

You'll go from:

• Stressed and nervous to calm and collected

• Making careless mistakes to playing smart, strategic golf

• Letting bad shots spiral into bad rounds to bouncing back stronger than ever

• Dreading tournament play to thriving in competition

That means you hit less shots squeezing too hard,

swinging too fast and focusing too little.

These are shots that ruin your score and enjoyment of the game.

And the results speak for themselves...

I can't tell you how many times I have shared your [process] with friends, and usually there is a gleam of understanding, kind of an "ah ha!" that follows. It is so powerful, I use it a lot off the golf course, and of course, on it!!❞


I got to experience a round in physical and emotional balance. I can do this. I can play better when my brain is managed better. I know what this feels like now. I think this is going to stick with me.


My son and I just finished your [Program] and I thought it was awesome content. He was a "I Suck" kid...Now treating himself much nicer thanks to your program and his scores reflect it, thank you!


The point is that my clients knew they had more skill than they took to the course.

They just needed a process to create amazing results.

And now, I want to share the Unleash Your Golf

program with you.

This is how it works...

Once you enroll, you take an assessment to evaluate exactly where you are right now with your golf and mental golf.

It is a launching pad that directs you exactly where to focus first.

It is an awareness exercise that sheds light on areas of your golf that you likely never thought about.

And, it is a blueprint to managing expectations around the game of golf.

Then, you’ll get started with the core fundamentals of mastering that golf brain of yours.

You’ll practice some tools on and off the golf course because guess what?

You have ONE BRAIN

You do not have a compartment in your brain that is just for mental golf.

How you do one thing you do everything…which means two things:

1. You either have the skills already, use them in various areas of your life and have not yet figured out how to apply them to the golf course


2. Your life off the course is about to get much better too.

This is not a complicated process.

It's simple and it's a life skill.

You just need to do it faster when you're on the golf course because well…you have to hit your next shot and you want to do it from a relatively calm place.

Within the platform, I walk you through the steps to Unleash Your Brain, Unleash Your Swing, How to Play Unleashed and then Unleash Your Confidence.

You can binge it all at one time or go through one module at a time.

Here are The 4 Steps to Unleash Your Game

Step 1

Your brain is leashed with negative thoughts and beliefs that hold you back and keep you stuck. Often you don't even recognize them or if you do, you likely have no idea how to stop them or shift to something more useful.

The first step and what you will discover in this module is:

  • what your brain is doing on the golf course
  • why you have so many negative thoughts
  • the exact thoughts and beliefs that hold YOU back on the golf course
  • a powerful tool to help you change your results on the golf course
  • the skill to shift a thought or belief to something that serves you and your game

Step 2

This is about using the talent that you have right now. It is about taking what you can do on the range to the course. It is about not letting the common golf emotions of fear, anxiety, pressure, frustration, disappointment, or shame get in the way of you making your best swings. This is about swinging freely.

The second step and what you will discover in this module is:

  • the 2 simple steps to playing to your current potential
  • the 3 emotions and phrases that get in your way OVER the ball
  • how to NOT let a bad shot or score affect your next shot
  • the golf phrases to avoid after a missed shot or bad hole
  • how to keep your expectations in check on the course

Step 3

We have one brain and how we do things off the course often show up on the course. They affect our performance and enjoyment of the game. It can sometimes feel like playing golf with a weighted rain jacket on. It is something that hangs out with you all day. Unleashing how you play is about taking off that "jacket". This module dives into the most common obstacles that keep golfers from playing to their potential.

Choose ones that resonate with you:

  • Perfectionism/Fear of Failure
  • Results focus (thinking about your score)
  • People-pleasing
  • Worrying about other people
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive negative thoughts

Step 4

Confidence is not something you either have or don't have. It does not need to ebb and flow with how you are hitting the ball. It is something you practice and build because self-confidence is the ultimate emotion to play golf from. The last step for you to really UNLEASH all of your game is to unleash your confidence.

In this module you'll discover:

  • the difference between confidence and self-confidence
  • how to maintain confidence no matter how you are hitting the ball
  • how to build your confidence every day
  • how to maintain confidence

Have we met?

I'm Kathy Hart

For the last few decades, I have helped 1000's of golfers swing better and score better.

Over the years I've improved grips, postures, aim, swing paths, pivots, short games, course management, and more.

I've been recognized as a LPGA Top 50 Teacher and a Golf Digest Best in State Teacher but no matter how much time my students spent practicing or how much money they paid me for lessons, it couldn't make up for the negative thinking and runaway emotions that kept them from using that swing on the course.

As a former tour player, I understand the pressure to play income depended on it.

I also understand the disappointment from feeling like I consistently under performed because I got in my own way mentally.

But even seeking the help of sports psychologists and top professionals in the industry nothing clicked and I actually thought...something was wrong with me.

When I hired a coach to help me reach some personal goals and discovered how to actually manage my mind, what to do with all my emotions, and realized that I was NOT broken, that was when everything changed.

I struggled for decades and the process was so simple.

I dove all in and started teaching my students the same process so that they could play with calm, create certainty, build confidence and ultimately play some of their best golf.

It's a trifecta of experience

The Tour






If you want to feel more confident and calm when you play golf,

hit more shots that resemble what you can actually do on the range,

and walk off of 18 not embarrassed or disappointed in how you showed up,

I want you to enroll today.

For about the cost of 2 or 3 golf lessons, a decent putter, or a couple green fees, you get lifetime access to Unleash Your Game and a Mental Coach for a month.

Value of $1479

Right Now only $379

Right below this text, you'll see a button that says, ‘Yes, I want to Unleash my golf game."

Click it and tell me your name and email address for log in credentials.

When you've done that, tell me how you'd like to pay for it, and you’ll be connected directions on how to log in and take the assessment.

You DON'T want to feel anxious, disappointed, frustrated, nervous, embarrassed, stressed, shamed, or afraid on the golf course anymore.

You want to play golf with a sense of calm and certainty.

You want to have confidence regardless of how we are hitting (yes, this is possible).

You want to walk off of 18, have your own back and be proud of how you showed up.

Why You Should Do It Now

Sure you could wait, head to the practice range, spend more money on another lesson searching for a shot or swing move that will produce a twinge of confidence to get you through the next round…

but you are no closer to dealing with the frustration of a couple bad shots, pressure of shooting a certain number, or the fear of embarrassing yourself with a bad round.

Most golfers say to me

"I just want to play golf with a quiet brain. Like the days when swinging was easy. I could focus. I loved my group. I loved the course. The game felt effortless and so fun. I want it to be like that all the time."

And I offer that that is what I call a green light day. Those days where you catch all green lights.

Those days are EASY for us to manage our brains because everything is going our way.

But not every day is a green light day.

We get red light days.

Red light days are when everything just seems challenging and hard.

Your mind is noisy and you don’t know how to quiet it.

Your swing is fast your tempo is off and you make dumb mistakes. Nothing seems to be going your way.

It can be as simple as not liking a person in your group, getting off to a bad start, playing slowly, changing weather, or playing with pressure that seems too much to handle.

And by the way, that last lesson you took will NOT help you through those moments. (I know because I have tried 100's of times)

Your swing will be trapped beneath negative internal chatter and emotions.

Thank you for your support and help. I have HOPE!

I hit 13 fairways today with my driver!! Say whaaaat?!!

My thought today: It is possible I can hit two fairways today and I don’t give a rats ass if I don’t. :)

Holly P

And if you order today there is more...

Bonus 01

Tactics, Tools, and Tricks

$125 value

There are moments on the course when we need some extra tools at our disposal to help us calm our nerves and redirect our brains. This bonus is full of powerful tactics for you to use during a round when golf situations offer up extra mental challenges.

Bonus 02

The Mental Prep Protocol for

Tournament Play

$125 value

Each round offers unique mental hurdles and being prepared helps create more certainty on the course. You learn what to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER each round so that you are ready for the day and empowered for your next round.

Plus, You'll Be Backed by a 100% Golf Brain Guarantee

After 1 month of going through the assessment, the core foundation material and jumping on a live call or sending an email asking for clarity or coaching, if you have not had a mind shift or mental tool that you can use to make an impact on you and your golf game, I’ll give a 100% refund.

But as you already know with golf, there are no miracle pills or quick fixes, you have to be willing to put in some effort.

Still not Sure?

You want to be apart of UNLEASH Your Game with the 100% Golf Brain Guarantee, if you are motivated by any of the following:

  • You're tired of underperforming
  • You're frustrated with feeling out of control on the course.
  • You can't quiet the negative chatter
  • Golf is a big part of your life...and you aren't enjoying it.
  • You just want to find some peace around the game.
  • You are done with feeling like crap after you play.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions...I have answers. If I can help answer any others feel free to reach out to

What level golfer is this for?

Any level golfer that wants to take more of their game to the course, play with less frustration, manage the negative chatter and enjoy the game more, will find tremendous value in UNLEASH Your Game.

Is this good for my junior?

Yes for sure. The best time to learn to manage your thoughts and emotions is as a junior golfer. Depending on the age of your junior, you may want to go through the material alongside them so the parent and junior are "talking the same language."

What if I can't make a Live Support call

If you can't make a call live, not a problem. All call replays will be available inside the program for you to watch at a convenient time. You can also submit questions ahead of time and every effort will be made to answer them for you.

What if I have questions or need help?

If you have more questions, reach out to

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